Working on modular projects with Git
Last year in November there was a 3rd edition of the conference held in Wrocław called Code::Dive which was sponsored and organized by Nokia – company I work for. I’m proud to say that this time I was able to deliver one full time presentation on How to work on modular projects with Git using submodules and subtree and why you should rather use the latter. The presentation, among the others, is available on the conference’s YouTube channel.
I must say that this was the first time I gave a speech in public for such big audience. I give all the respect to other speakers since it’s not so easy. Nonetheless I’m pretty satisfied with the result.
There was also a second presentation I delivered with my colleague from Nokia – Łukasz Ziobroń. It was a quiz of knowledge about Modern C++.
Slides from all presentations can be found here (follow speaker’s name).
Slides from my presentation are here.
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