ArchLinux 32

Most of my computers have x64 architecture, but one of them that I haven’t been using for a while is an old Asus Eee that runs on Intel Atom which is based on i686 architecture. When bringing it up to life, because I want to use it for some time now, I thought that it would be great update all packaged to latest version. I haven’t mention it yet but from the title anyone could deduce that this computer probably runs Arch Linux which is true. When I started updating packages I immediately run into problems because of messages similar to those:

error: GPGME error: No data
error: failed to update core (invalid or corrupted database (PGP signature))

After struggling for an hour I finally found two pages that solved my problems:

It seems that Arch Linux dropped support for i686 architecture but fortunately there’s still a community support.